09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【秋大的話】Holiday Event Modifications


Attention Lineage players:

After careful consideration of all the suggestions and feedback from players, we will be making the following changes to the event.

1) Killglance ring will have the following stats:
+1 Con, Dex, Int, Wis, Str, Cha
+20 HP
+20 MP
+15 MR
+10 Fire, Water, Earth, Wind resistance
-3 AC (good AC)

2) The duration for getting a Holiday Stocking from KG ring has been lowered from 40minutes to 30minutes.

3) The 500,000 and 1,000,000 adena drops from Gold Stockings have been replaced with 2,000,000 adena.

Important notes about the event:
Gold Stockings are tradable. Take the gamble on opening it yourself if you want to, or sell it to someone that will want to.
Yes, elixirs have come out of the gold stockings. Transfer the gold stockings to the character you would prefer to obtain the elixir on, just in case.
Remember that if you already have 5 elixirs on your character you will not be able to use a 6th.

Other suggestions from players that were looked at:

A) Monster's dropping stockings.
I did not like this idea because I felt like it would turn the event into a 'hunt stockings' event, instead of a hunt for 2x drop event. You guys do not really want to see a 'farm TI because you can one hit the monsters and get more stockings faster' for 2 weeks event.

B) Hand out stockings through insertion instead of KG ring.
The biggest flaw in this one is that we would have no way of giving out stockings to accounts created after the first day of the event. Those accounts would miss out.
The second reason I was against this is because it would turn the stocking portion of the event into something that was over within 5 minutes of logging in for the first time.

C) Please no AFK event.
Leading up to the announcement of the event, the biggest thing that players wanted us to keep in mind when designing the event was that it was the Christmas Holiday, a family holiday. Players would not be able to glue themselves to their computer to participate, your play time would be limited.
We have tried to accommodate this request. When you can play, you get to take part in the drop portion of the event as much as you are able. And when you can not play, you are not missing out either, as you can continue to be rewarded while away from your computer. This is as close to both sides of the coin as we could reasonably come.

D) Pay the same, get the same.
Those that put in more time, get more reward. This is not a new principle, and it is not limited to the game world. Grind more hours per day, level up faster than those that don't. Spend more hours farming drops, make more money than those that don't. This event presents the exact same opportunity for advancement to every single player, it is up to those players to decide how much of that opportunity they are reasonably able to take advantage of.

E) Why can't we get more gold stockings? I want to open dozens of gold stockings!!
Let's be honest here, you have seen some of the rewards that are coming from the gold stockings. The rarity and rewards from the gold stockings have been designed to go together. The gold's are rare, so the reward is high. Could I increase the rate of gold stockings? Yes, but for every increase I give the rate of obtaining the stockings, I will have to additionally lower the reward for the stockings you do get. So yes you would get more stockings, but you would get far less from them when you do. With the rewards that are in the gold stockings, there can not be thousands of them hitting the server. If you want thousands of them hitting the server, then I have to lower (and in most cases remove) the rewards that are in them and replace them with item's that you can have 1000 of on the server.

F) But no one has gotten a Gold stocking naturally yet!
That is not the case. Just because no one has told you about it, does not mean they have not gotten them. There have been gold stockings obtained naturally from Holiday Stockings.
Along the same lines as that, there have been drop's players have gotten from their gold stockings that they have chosen not to share with the public. It is up to them to do so, I can not force them to tell you what they got.

;tldr version
We can't please all of the people all of the time - we all know that to be true. But I did want everyone to be aware that we looked closely at all of the feedback and sat down and discussed each suggestion as a team and have made improvements to the event based on that. Just because a suggestion is not directly responded to by a NC representative on the forums, does not mean we did not read and consider it. For the suggestions that were not used, there were logical reasons behind those decisions.

We are still listening to your feedback and working towards making it the experience you want it to be.