09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【深秋の-美版天堂新聞】改版+提卡爾神廟+地龍新型態現身 New Content is READY!!!!! Tikal+Antharas goes live on 11/10



1.維修時間 6個小時,也就是台灣時間11/11 凌晨2點~早上8點,這只是預估時間,假如

   有縮短或是延長 維修時間 會將消息 值將公佈在 論壇、FB 上面,大家可前往注意。

2.啟動所有遊戲帳戶:只要你擁有天堂遊戲帳號,你將可免費 遊戲 這2ㄍ禮拜的時間 ,請大家告訴大家

   歡迎所有老玩家 回來 遊戲喔 .....(台灣時間11/11維修後~11/25 維修前 ,當然 之後想繼續玩

   就得....包月付錢啦! ) ps : 被鎖的 不算 =.= 不要問我 這種笨問題 ! 只要你登入play nc 你的 遊戲帳號

   它是 正常狀態+沒包月低~都算 這次計畫內 。

   老玩家們 ~假如你 忘記你的 帳號 密碼...等相關資訊 ! 請點這邊 尋求幫助→   here

   骨灰級的玩家們,假如你的遊戲帳戶是2005年之前沒有納入play nc系統的 請點這 →  here

It's here and it's ready! I told you we were moving fast. The issues with the patcher and the stability have been resolved and we are ready to go!!

On Wednesday, November 10 we will be updating the live servers with Tikal+Antharas. Patch notes are located here.

We will be reactivating all inactive accounts in good standing, so spread the word to your friends. Newsletters will go out to email address listed on master accounts. We will also be releasing a podcast that day of the current Lineage team. This will be up on Facebook, YouTube, and the official website Wednesday afternoon. You get to meet Nyx, Jetzen, and Unicycle in person! (with a cameo appearance from CaptSturm!!)

Please note that this update will require an extended maintenance. The live servers may be down for as long as 6 hours - we will let you know via forums, Facebook, and Twitter if that time is either shorter, or if it needs to be extended.

If you have not yet been to PTS, NOW is the time to go! If you patch to PTS now, you will save yourself the patching time on Wednesday. You can simply point your PTS client to live, and it will only patch a very small amount of files.

The Experience Giver guy on PTS will be going away tomorrow. If you have not created characters and leveled them to 70 and gotten tons of good gear and adena, this is your last chance for awhile! Go visit the nice xp man now, while he is still there!

If you experience any problems with PTS, PM or email me so I can work with you to see what your individual issue is. At this point, we believe we have solved almost everyone's problems, so people still having issues need to let me know!