09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【深秋の-美版天堂新聞】萬聖節的惡作劇-作者Nyx ( 萬聖節活動提示 ) Halloween Escapades - a Short Story by Nyx


這是線索, 大家可以 猜看看 萬聖節 會有哪些活動內容 !   (秋大大心中os : 該不會是得到 那些蠢蠟燭吧 )

下一次的提示將再 10/12 ^^
After carving your scary Halloween pumpkin, you can’t wait to display it in your window for everyone to see! You go to the cupboard to get a candle to light up the face you so carefully carved, and discover that you are all out of candles. Drat. You can just make it over to the shop before they close up for the evening. Luth is standing behind the counter, patiently lettering a sign for the window. As you approach, your heart sinks. “Out of Candles” the sign reads. Luth sees you frowning at his sign.

“Sorry!” he says. “I just don’t know what I’m going to do with this supplier. I’ve been waiting for ages for this darn candle order, but each week he has a new excuse why it’s not here yet! I have now run completely out so I’m going to have to think of another way to get them.”

“Do you have any idea when you might have some available? I just finished carving my Halloween pumpkin, and I really wanted everyone to see it my window!” you explain.

He points you towards a long list of names on a tablet on the counter. “I’ll personally deliver you a candle just as soon as I can get my hands on some,” he promises. “I have a lot of people waiting, so right now I’m only guaranteeing one candle per household. Everyone wants to light up their pumpkin, you see. Later, I’ll have more in stock again.”

Sigh. Well, one per household is better than none at all. You feel better knowing that you will have at least one candle before Halloween……..

Next installment - October 12