09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【深秋の-美版天堂新聞】萬聖節惡作劇第二彈-作者Nyx ( 萬聖節活動提示 ) Halloween Escapades Part Two - A Short Story by Nyx


這是第二次的提示 ! 下一次提示 將再 10/15 ^^

Your candle has not yet arrived, but Luth has a sign in his window that says “Candles Coming Soon” so you try to wait patiently. You want to stop in his shop every day as you pass, but you know this won’t make the candles arrive any sooner. Luth is good for his word, so as soon as he can, you know he will deliver you the promised candle.

Today as you pass his shop, a woman is standing out front passing out small notices. You take one from her, glancing in the shop window to see if the sign has changed. It hasn’t. Sigh. Now you focus on the notice - it is an advertisement. “Old Halloween Shoppe” it reads in nondescript lettering. Apparently this “shoppe” is just a traveling vendor passing through town for a short time and only selling a few specialized items. Staff of Eyeball, Sword of Severed Hand, Armor of Lost Souls – what an odd assortment of items. A handful of normal items appear on the list as well – Brave Potions, Elven Wafers, Condensed Greater Healing Potions. At least you know what those are.

The paper claims these items are “Guaranteed to Amaze and Impress all who gaze upon them!” Hmm – probably just another panhandler looking to make a few adena off of the Halloween hoopla. You doubt the items will be truly Amazing or Impressive. Still, the vendor will be near Giran Cross from October 27th through November 10th. Your curiosity ensures that you will at least stop by to see what there is to see.

Small letters at the bottom catch your eye. “Payment only accepted in souls.” Now what an odd thing to put on the notice. Is this just another gimmick to get more people to come look at the wares? Whoever heard of paying for things with souls? You only have one, as far as you know, and you are not about to go giving it to street vendors regardless of how Amazing or Impressive their wares are!.....

Next installment - October 15th