09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【深秋の-美版天堂新聞】為自由而戰的侏儒人 活動 The Dwarfs Fight for Freedom


活動名稱:為自由而戰的侏儒人   活動

時間:06/30~07/07 (伺服器維修候開始)

活動內ˇ容: 獵殺那些 委裝成侏儒,獲得物品 換取 自由斗篷。

(秋大大os: 有更進一步 消息 會直接發表在部落格,23號 測試伺服器 會先行 測試,

秋大大會 先去測試看看囉 !  )

The Dwarfs Fight for Freedom

June 17, 2010 -

Coming Soon - our 4th of July Event - The Dwarfs Fight for Freedom - will begin June 30 after server maintenance.

An evil sorcerer is looking to set up a base of operations in Fire Valley. He's been seen snooping around the Dwarf Cave. He's looking for a nice, new home for his despicable experiments. The Dwarf Cave is inviting - a few renovations and he could be quite happy there. But how to get the Dwarfs to go away with a minimal amount of effort?

The sorcerer uses his dark arts to enslave an army of Black Ents to wage war upon the Dwarfs. Units of Black Ents repeatedly attack the Dwarf Encampment, but through considerable effort the Dwarfs are holding their own.

How can you help them? Some of the Black Ents have been disguised as Dwarfs and are running amok on the Mainland. But be warned, these disguised Ents have a few tricks up their sleeve! Your mission is to kill as many of these infiltrators as possible and you shall be rewarded for your deeds!

The Dwarfs know that this siege upon them will be alleviated as soon adventurers like you respond to their call for help. In anticipation of their liberation from this war, they are crafting Freedom Cloaks that will aid in the extermination of this evil! Will you help the Dwarfs in their fight for freedom?

Class Freedom Cloak
Dark Elf AC -20
HP Regen +10
MP Regen +8
HP +50
MP +30
Wis +2
Str +2
MR +30
Mage AC -20
HP Regen +10
MP Regen +8
HP +50
MP +30
Wis +2
Int +2
MR +30
Elf AC -20
HP Regen +10
MP Regen +8
HP +50
MP +30
Wis +1
Int +1
Dex +2
MR +30
Knight AC -20
HP Regen +10
MP Regen +8
HP +50
MP +30
Str +2
Dex +2
MR +30
Royal AC -20
HP Regen +10
MP Regen +8
HP +50
MP +30
Str +2
Dex +2
MR +30