09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【深秋の-美版天堂新聞】提醒~春季活動的物品將再6/30 伺服器維修候刪除 Reminder - Event items no longer available after 6/30





6/30 伺服器維修,春季活動的道具:春神藥水+3種花朵護身符都將刪除囉 !

請把握最後期限善加使用 !

這也表示7/4的活動事件即將開始 ! 更多詳細的內容將會 陸續公佈 !

This is just a friendly reminder that the event items from the Festival of Flowers will not be available after 6/30. The amulets and xp soups will be removed from inventory during server maintenance that day.

Please use your soups and enjoy your amulets in the time left available.

6/30 will also mark the beginning of our 4th of July event. As this event gets closer we will have more details!