09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【深秋の-美版天堂新聞】2010 春-花卉節 活動 Festival of Flowers



活動時間: 台灣時間 04/29  3:00 ~05/06  02:00

活動內容: (以下內容 是目前 深秋 在 測試伺服器 測試 的內容,正式開始前可能會有少許變動 )

  1. 奇岩  新增 NPC 花神-芙羅拉 和 他的小助理-含羞草
  2. 和  花神-芙羅拉  對話可以換取  特別的花花系列武器  ( 武器種類 備註1 )
  3. 全亞丁區域 怪物 隨機掉落 花束春袋
  4. 春袋 點擊打開 隨機獲得 花神藥水 ( 花神藥水種類 備註2 )
  5. 收集 75個花束交給 花神芙羅拉的小助理- 含羞草  即可獲得花花系列護身符 (護身符種類 備註3 )
  6. 花花系列武器 隨著活動結束回收,其他活動 道具 另行公佈 回收 時間。

備註1 -- 花花系列武器:

Dahlia Sword 天理劍

Orchid Sword 蘭花劍

Lily Bow 百合弓

Freesia Spear 香雪蘭長矛

Daisy Dagger 雛菊短劍

Iris Edoryu 蝴蝶花雙刀

Tulip Staff 鬱金香法杖

備註2 -- 花神藥水種類

Flowery Soup: 150% Exp   150% 花神藥水

Flowery Soup: 200% Exp   200% 花神藥水

Flowery Soup: 250% Exp   250% 花神藥水

備註3 -- 護身符種類

Amulet of Heather 石南花護身符

Amulet of Roses 玫瑰花護身符

Amulet of Sunflowers 向日葵護身符 

The 2010 Festival of Flowers has arrived! Flora, the Goddess of Flowers, and her assistant Mimosa have some fun and exciting items for you! As Flora looked down upon the Land of Aden, she determined that something needed to be done to spice things up a bit. So, she crafted some very powerful, mystical weapons!. Unfortunately, the magic within them is so great that they can only be held together on this earthly plane for a short period of time. You will have a variety of these to choose from but be aware that once the festival is over, Flora must reclaim the weapons. They are much too powerful to remain in the hands of mortals for too long!

Flora will give you the weapon of your choice, and your goal is to gather Bouquets of Flowers for her. All monsters have the possibility to drop these Bouquets as well as some candy to help you along your journey. Gather Bouquets and bring them back to Flora's assistant Mimosa to receive a special prize. The prizes Mimosa has waiting for you are also very powerful. With careful magic construction, they will remain intact for you to use for several weeks, but be forewarned that they can only defy the laws of physics for so long. As summer arrives, the power of these prizes will become too great for their earthly shells to contain them. Use your treats wisely for the time that you have them!

Flora has a wide variety of special weapons for you to choose from. She and her assistant Mimosa are located in Giran near the teleporter. She will sell you the weapon of your choice for 25,000 adena. You can purchase as many of these weapons as you like, but remember that they are only here for the week of the festival. They are made of Black Mithril so they do not safely enchant, but if you want to try your luck, you can always get a new one from her any time during the week. Here are the choices available.

Orchid Sword
Two handed sword
Hit value 18/20
Hit Bonus +6
Damage Bonus +13
Str +2
Weight 90
Usable by Royals and Knights
Dahlia Sword
One handed sword
Hit value 16/16
Hit Bonus +5
Damage Bonus +12
Str +2
Weight 60
Usable by Royals, Knights and Elves
Lily Bow
Two handed weapon
Hit value 3/3
Hit Bonus +5
Damage Bonus +15
Dex +1
Int +1
Weight 60
Usable by Royals, Knights and Elves
Freesia Spear
Two handed weapon
Hit value 20/22
Hit Bonus +9
Damage Bonus +10
Str +2
Weight 90
Usable by Royals and Knights
Daisy Dagger
One handed weapon
Hit value 8/7
Hit Bonus +5
Damage Bonus +13
Dex +2
Weight 40
Usable by all classes
Iris Edoryu
Two handed weapon
Hit value 20/15
Hit Bonus +7
Damage Bonus +15
Dex +1
Wis +1
Weight 40
Usable by Dark Elves
Tulip Staff
One handed weapon
Hit value 9/9
Damage Bonus +10
Spell Power +4
MP Regen +10
Wis +1
Int +1
Weight 80
Usable by Wizards

While hunting with your beautiful weapon from Flora, monsters all over the Lands of Aden will drop some new items!

The first item to watch out for is the Bouquet of Flowers. Gather these bouquets to take back to Mimosa for a reward.
You will also encounter Spring Bags. These bags hold xp food of varying strengths. You may gather and use these however you wish. They will be available for use after the festival is over, but only until summer comes around and the magic binding them together fades!.

Gather your Flower Bouquets and return to Mimosa for a reward. She has 3 different amulets available, each one costs 75 Flower Bouquets. These are powerful amulets, so they will be available for use after the festival, but just like the xp food, the magic that holds them together will fade when summer rolls around so use them while you have them!

Amulet of Heather
Maximum HP +50
Maximum MP +50
Amulet of Roses
HP Regen +5
MP Regen +5
Amulet of Sunflowers
+1 to all stats