09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【美版天堂】Test Server Publish 6/21



The Public Test Server was brought down today at 2:00PM to publish the 'Secret Islands' event content. Details about the event are available here.


The Public Test Server was brought down today at 2:00PM to publish the "Secret Islands" event content.
See the notes below.

Secret Island Event
Two Secret islands have been added to the world of Aden. Speak with the Mysterious Old Man in Giran Square for more information. Be careful, he is very specific and very sensitive. Do exactly what he says.

Island 1
Kill Fluffy Bunnies on Island 1 to collect carrot parts. Use the parts to craft your own cloak of freedom and to gain access to island 2.

Island 2
Some of Aden’s most dangerous creatures have all gathered in the same place. Bring some friends and watch your back.

Two of Aden’s dungeons have been infested with killer rabbits. Heed the warnings of those outside Mainland Caves 4f and Dragon Valley Caves 5f.

This change is experimental and not directly associated with the event content itself. Players beware, there is nothing but death and sorrow here, do not enter!

Gloves of the New King has had their AC changed to 1.


這是有關"新活動"的事件!!現在先在測試的伺服器 開始 測試!!!


比較無言的最後一項:  Gloves of the New King has had their AC changed to 1.

哇你勒~神官手套 AC 變 1


假若如此~喔天阿!!好在我沒買拉!!!不用為此煩惱 !!呵呵 ^^