09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【深秋の-美版天堂新聞】伺服器維修公告 Server Maintenance - 2/2 - 1pm CST / 6pm GMT

Hiya Lineage Players!

All Lineage servers will be brought down tomorrow, Wednesday, February 2nd at 11am Pacific / 1pm Central / 2pm Eastern / 6pm GMT for our regularly scheduled weekly maintenance. Estimated downtime is approximately 2 hours.

Content Changes

1) Fragment of Soul Stone / Fragment of Blood Stone drop rate slightly increased.

2) Spellbook: Polymorph drop rate increased.

3) Spirit Crystal: Soul of Flame drop rate increased.

4) Evas Scorn drop added to all Elekkadom monsters.

5) Bounce back issue removed from Dragon Reward map.

6) Potion of Mental Acuity can now be traded.

7) Crafting Ingredient drop rate increases.
The following items have had their drop rate increased:
  • Wind Tear
  • Leather of Black Tiger
  • Venom of Plate Worm
  • Fang of Black Tiger
  • Bud of Deep Flower
  • Potion of Dark Forest
  • Fang of Plate Worm
  • Root of Deep Flower
  • Tooth of Angus
  • Blood of Dego
  • Sand
  • Leather of Sheba Human: Fire
  • Leather of Sheba Human: Water
  • Leather of Sheba Human: Air
  • Leather of Sheba Human: Earth
  • Tail of Sheba Human: Fire
  • Tail of Sheba Human: Water
  • Tail of Sheba Human: Air
  • Tail of Sheba Human: Earth
  • Fin of Digo
  • Bloodied Sand
  • Wings of Pasaj
  • Fang of Sheba Human
  • Corruptions Tongue
  • Corruptions Tooth
  • Corruptions Hand
  • Corruptions Poison
  • Ancients’ Book of Magic, Volume 1
  • Ancients’ Book of Magic, Volume 2
  • Ancients’ Book of Magic, Volume 3
  • Ancients’ Book of Magic, Volume 4
8) Crafting a Devil’s Crossbow, Devil’s Edoryu, Devil’s Claw, or Devil’s Knife will now only require 1 Potion of Mental Acuity.

9) EXP Candies will also be reverted back to their previous form to fix the functionality. Yes this means the icon/timer will be broken again for all 3 kinds 150,200, and 250 - they will give the correct exp, but they will not display the icon.

Castle Revisions:

A) Windawood Castle:
  • Spawn on Floors 1 and 2 of the Windawood castle dungeon has drastically changed. The types of monsters have changed and level of difficulty has increased.

B) Kent Castle:
  • 2F – Removed Vampires
  • 3F – Lowered amount of Vampires that appear here.
  • 4F – Lowered amount of Vampires that appear here.
  • Boss – Aaarrrggg… has had many drop revisions to make him worth killing.

C) Aden Castle:
  • Boss – Maya has had many drop revisions to make her worth killing.

D) Iron Gate Guild
  • Diamond Golem and Maino Shaman have had many drop revisions to make them worth killing.

E) Heine Castle
  • Underwater Kingdom of Eva – Increased monster spawn
  • Basement Prison – Increased monster spawn
  • Barbados Hideout – Increased monster spawn
  • Boss – Barbados spawn rate changed to be similar to other castle bosses. Drop’s greatly increased to make him worth killing.

F) Orcish Fortress –
  • Boss – Spirit has had many drop revisions made. He will now be worth your time to kill.
  • Spirit will now have the chance to drop a new item: Spirit Defender
Spirit Defender
Stats: 22/22, +2 Damage, +1 Hit, Unbreakable, Two Handed Sword
Used by: Dragon Knight, Knight.

LinLib has a complete drop list for all of the changes, so each boss already has an updated drop list on their site, if you want to see who drops what now