09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【深秋の-美版天堂新聞】萬聖節惡作劇第三彈-作者Nyx ( 萬聖節活動提示 ) Halloween Escapades Part Three - A Short Story by Nyx


這是第3波的提示,答案很明顯囉 !  新的魔法娃娃-史巴托  那一隻  !

怎麼獲得呢 ? 

 下一次 18號 提示........

On the way home from the market, you just can’t resist the urge to go the long way – the route that takes you past Luth’s shop. You know the sign in the window has not changed, but you feel compelled to walk that way anyway. The “Old Halloween Shoppe” lady is still standing outside, passing out her flyers. But now she has a little shadow standing just behind her. You walk closer to get a better look.

Behind her stands a little skeleton. He’s a cute little thing, just standing off to the side. “What does your little friend do?” you ask. “Well, I travel a lot you see. Often I am between towns, and you never know what you might run into. He’s just an animated doll, but he can be a big help. If something attacks me unexpectedly, my little skeleton can help me.”

Hmmm. That would be a pretty handy little friend to have! “So where could I get a doll like yours?” you inquire of the lady. “You are in luck!” she declares. “My friends will be arriving in town soon, with all of the wares to sell at the Old Halloween Shoppe. These are brand new items, only just now available but we ordered way too many. We can’t possibly cart the whole order from town to town as we travel. The only solution is for us to give away all of the extras.”

“You mean you are going to give everyone one of these little skeleton dolls?”

“Actually, it’s called a Spartoi Doll. And we won’t give one to just everyone. Anyone who wants one can receive one if they complete a quest for us. We will tell you what we want done, and if you follow the directions and complete the quest, your reward will be a Spartoi friend of your very own. He will be yours to keep!”

Next Installment Tuesday, October 18