09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

【深秋の-美版天堂新聞】伺服器維修+更新 消息 Server Maintenance - 8/18 - 1pm CST / 6pm GMT

伺服器維修:台灣時間08/19 凌晨2~4點 。
測試伺服器 維修候更新內容:
●  飾品的附魔系統 全面啟動 。
● 底比斯boss 再度 調升 他的強度 。
● 寵物-地獄 調整 魅力需要值 變更和 末日地獄相同 。(請大家 都去官方討論區 抗議,nyx 你怎可以
    這樣對待 玩家 ! 可憐的 白妖 阿 ! )
    更變候的魅力所需值→ http://www.linlib.com/lineage-guides.php?guide=cha
● 妖精法術- 大地屏障 ,施法範圍改為2格以內,請注意目前這個更改還有點問題,假如超過2格以上
● 傲慢塔91樓以上的變更:
    ◎ 調整 經驗值和 金幣 的掉落率 。
    ◎ 機會掉落 Essence of Elements  。(新增加 的物品)
    ◎ Essence of Elements 可到 亞丁的 npc-Calvin (座標位置  34068, 33148 ) 換取Bag of Elements
    ◎ Bag of Elements  有機會開出 以下物品  ↓
滅光戒指功能大受歡迎~延長一個禮拜 !
Hiya Lineage Players!

All Lineage servers will be brought down tomorrow, Wednesday, August 18th at 11am Pacific / 1pm Central / 2pm Eastern / 6pm GMT for our regularly scheduled weekly maintenance. Estimated downtime is approximately 2 hours.

PTS Maintenance 8/18
PTS will be brought down for normal maintenance tomorrow. Nyx will be on after reset testing with the players. Jetzen will not be available so I will be focused on the testing aspect with players that he usually does. That means I will NOT be available to wish you tons of items or level your characters.

I will be ignoring requests for wished items - whining, crying, begging, etc will be ignored Not trying to be mean, just trying to get done what needs to be done!

The following changes and updates will be made:
  • All US Ruleset accessory items should now be enchantable through the new accessory enchant system.
  • Thebes Bosses hp regen increased to 5000 hp / 5 secs (full strength).
  • Inferno charisma requirement changed. The CHA requirement is now the same as a Doom Lizard.
  • Earth Bind range reduced to 2 cells. This change still has an issue that we are working on. Currently it is only effective if cast within 2 cells. However the game will allow you to cast it on a target beyond 2 cells, but it will automatically fail and still use your mana.
  • Revamp of TOI 91+
    • All Elemental Spirits have increased XP to 5500
    • Adena drops increased
    • All Elemental Spirits now have the chance to drop one of the elven elemental spells that match their element.
    • All Elemental Spirits now have the chance to drop Essence of Elements
  • New mini-quest introduced. Calvin in Aden (/loc 34068, 33148) will exchange Essence of Elements for Bag of Elements (1 essence = 1 bag). Items have already been added to LinLib. http://www.linlib.com/view.php?item=2993

The KG ring this week was quite popular so we're extending it for another week!