09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

Lineage Special Part 3 ( 介面更新資料-3 )


Sneak Preview of new Lineage Client - Part 3

Welcome to part 3 of the special about the new Lineage client. If you haven't already, you should definitely check out the other parts of this special. Again, all the info and images are taken from http://power.plaync.co.kr and translated into english. Today: The new in-game map-system!

The new in-game map window

The old map-system in Lineage was not really helpful, only a few maps, without any detail and only of the area you currently were located. This will change with the new client!

  1. This is a typical area map display. The detail will change if you enter a town or a specific area where more details are required.
  2. Select field - allows you to choose the area you want. This includes all surface areas and towns of Aden.
  3. Adjust transparency of the map window.
  4. Switch between large map window and mini-map view.
  5. Close map-window and mini-map - same as CTRL+M

Detailed town and castle maps

There are different type of maps available, town maps have all NPCs marked, which makes it very easy to find the right NPC. You can display this map even if you are currently at another location. If the map is larger than the window, you can scroll it by clicking on the arrows on the side of the map.

Town map reveals locations and job of all available NPCs in that town. Castle map shows all details of the castle area - nice feature for sieges!

Area and dungeon mini-maps

Not all areas offer a large map view. In certain areas, like most dungeons, there is only a mini-map available, which will be displayed on screen.

Area mini-map with your current location. Dungeon mini-map on screen. The blue dots marks the stairs!

Map selection and sub-maps

As noted before, you can display maps for any area, even if you are located somewhere else. You are currently in Giran and want to get a map of Elven-Town? Just select it from the select field at the left bottom of the map window.

Select the region you want in the area-select menu. Some areas have a red '+' in front of their name, means that there are more maps available within that area.
Once you clicked one area, there'll open a second selection with all sub-maps available of the choosen area.
Select one of the sub-maps to display this map with all details. In this case a map of Elven-Town.
The final detail map in the map window, with all marks of NPCs.

Mini-Map with zoom

The on screen mini-map comes with nice feature. There is a small slider on the bottom right of the mini-map which allows you to adjust the zoom factor of the mini-map! Zoom in for more detail or zoom out if you want an overview of the whole area.

On-screen mini-map, with current location and stairs marked. Zoom slider, zoomed out to get a better overview of the dungeon.

That was part 3! Stay tuned for part 4 of this special and check it out tomorrow!