09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

Lineage Special Part 1 ( 介面更新資料-1 )


Sneak Preview of new Lineage Client

You may already have seen some screen shots of the brand new Lineage client on korean websites. It's hot, will bring tons of new and helpful features and will finally work with Vista and Windows 7 out of the box! Good reasons for a special on Lineage Library about it! The info and images are taken from http://power.plaync.co.kr and translated into english. Here we go!

Window mode and resize

Something the Lineage Mac-Client had from the beginning, will finally be available for the PC-Client too! It's the window mode, which will allow you to switch between full screen and window mode on the fly. Allowing you to check items or maps on LinLib and still be able to react to situations within the game. Additionally you'll be able to choose between 4 predefined window sizes. You'll love, that's for sure!

New designed info section

The info section in the lower left corner of the Lineage client has changed. They removed the small HP and MP bars to make room for new info!
1. (red square): New karma indicator. Displays your current karma level and percentage!
2. (green square): Two new fields, show your current MR and SP values!
The other fields are the known AC, alignment, weight- and food gauge fields.

New moveable HP bar

The good old moveable HP/MP bar has changed too. It's still moveable but now you can choose between two designs and it's combined with the in game clock.

Improved chat and options

I really love this feature already! What is it? Above the chat window you'll find four icons, allowing you to switch global-, trade-, pledge- and party-chat on/off. The cool thing about it, it works retroactive! Say you had global-, trade- and pledge-chat active and now want to see what your pledge mates wrote while you was AFK but your chat window is flooded with countless global messages like "you mad?!" or things about your mom and plenty sell/buy requests from trade-chat. A few simple clicks and you'll only see what your pledge mates have written while you was AFK ^^ Nice one!

Lockable Hot-Key Sets

Ever ate all your wafers or casted one spell 876 times because you accidentally switched your hot-key set or removed a spell from it in the heat of a fight? Then you'll be happy about the next feature! The new client allows you to lock the current hot-key set and regardless how floundering you move your mouse around - your hot-key set will not change. All with one easy click on the lock icon left of the hot-key section.

More character info

The next two improvements will become important for new LinLib features too, maybe even before we'll have the new client! The in game character info window shows some new values. Beside the known ER (Evasion Rate = chance to avoid ranged attacks), you'll finally see your character's DR (Dogde Rate = chance to avoid melee attacks)! No idea what may alter your DR rate but we'll see.
Already forgot what stats you have added during character creation? Damn! Hey, no problem anymore! You now can see your character's base stat bonuses in the info window. Lucky, because soon you better know those numbers to get most out of LinLib!

New inventory options

Over the years, my standard inventory became fairly large. I usually keep it in my preferred order but if you ask me what drops I've gotten during the last hunt, I'll be able to name you some but not all. Thank goodness, those times are over! The new feature will show you only new items in your inventory! Once you use your storage, this tab will be empty.

New Pet Command Bar

"STOP MOVING $%?$§ DOG!" - Pet owners know that! You try to command your pet but your hairy friend has its own mind, seeking for fluffy adventures on its own and takes the command bar with it. No worries! The times were you have to run after your pet to command it are over. The new pet command bar is no longer bound to the pets position, instead you decided where you want it - not your pet anymore :)