09/15 不能朝朝暮暮的愛都是耍流氓ㄚ...

Lineage Special Part 2 ( 介面更新資料-2 )


Sneak Preview of new Lineage Client - Part 2

Welcome to part 2 of the special about the new Lineage client. If you haven't already, you should definitely check out part 1 of this special. Like part 1, all the info and images are taken from http://power.plaync.co.kr and translated into english.

On screen display of item names

Finding dragon scales on the ground between trees can be tricky! If you are one of those scale-seekers then you'll jump right out of your chair after reading this and dance the happy scale-seeker dance! Wait I bet you already did because of the headline, whatever. Ok, there is a new option, that allow you to display the name of all items on the ground. It can either be set to be always on (like in the options window to the right) or on demand by pressing the ALT key. Nice addition :)

Party section

The info section in the lower left corner of the Lineage client got a new tab! It now can be switched between your character info and info about your hunting party! No more excuses like: "Sorry, I couldn't target you between all mops! T.T" when you didn't heal the tank and let him die! You already guessed it - and you are right! Now you can simply target your party members in this window! There are other options at the bottom of that view (right image) but I'm not sure what they for yet. I'll try to find out and add that info later.

New Polymorph window

You are blind like a mole and lost your glasses? Can't find the right polymorph in the long polymorph list, written in tiny letters? No problem anymore! The new polymorph window makes it easier to find the right polymorph, better sorted and now with images of the polymorph! Good improvement NC!

New fishing system

Fishermen and fisherwomen know the next procedure: Clicking the rod, clicking water, clicking to catch the fish, clicking to pick the fish up, again, again and again. Tired of that? Then the next addition is for you! The brand new magic fishing rod! Just one click and it will do the job for you! Now fishing is really relaxing in Lineage.

Additional NPC info

The next feature is especially helpful for beginners. There is a new option that will allow you to display additional info about all NPC on the screen. The text shows the NPC's job below the name of the NPC. Lineage veterans may want to disable this feature.

Numbers in hot-key section

Do you know the following situation? One of your pledge mates: "Dark Elder is up! HELP!", while you are hanging around in Giran and sorting your storage. As a Lineage-Pro you quickly check your hot-key settings and teleport right into the fight at top drake! While whacking Dark Elder you notice that you only have ONE single potion with you - damn! No drops for you! With the new client this will not happen again. Now you can see the exact numbers of your consumables placed in the hot-key section. Nice, eh?